A 63,000 square foot neighborhood shopping center anchored by a 48,000 square foot Raley's with three freestanding retail pad spaces.
Traffic Count: Current Volume:
26,700 ADT (2004)
Average Household Income: $44,119.00
Trade Area Population: Within 1 mile: 13,321
Within 1.5 miles: 22,428
Within 2 miles: 37,166
Location: Northeast Corner of Paseo Del Norte and Ventura Street
City: Albuquerque
State: New Mexico
Zip: 87106
Full Description: A 63,000 square foot neighborhood shopping center anchored by a 48,000 square foot Raley's with three freestanding retail pad spaces.
1: 7,758 s.f. Pad
2: 27,888 s.f. Pad
3: 32,261 s.f. Pad