Del Monte Plaza — Katz Kirkpatrick Properties

Del Monte Plaza

The Shopping Center is ideally located to serve the rapidly growing high income trade area of South Reno.

Traffic Count: So. Viginia Street - 26,710 CPD
Neil Road- 14,200 CPD
(Both directions)
Average Household Income: $65,416.00
Trade Area Population: Within 2 miles 32,071
Within 5 miles 130,215
Within 10 miles 310,948

Location: NWC Neil Road and So. Virginia Street
City: Reno
State: Nevada
Zip: 89502

Full Description: The Shopping Center is ideally located to serve the rapidly growing high income trade area of South Reno. The location is particularly strong due to the excellent access provided by the full freeway interchange and location on the major intersection of South Virginia Street and Neil Road, coupled with the planned and existing residential growth surrounding the center.

Store Specifications: Interior improvements include heating, air conditioning, acoustical tile ceiling with lighting, electrical outlets, glass store front and doors, rear door, bathroom which is to code, and walls ready for paint.

Comments: Del Monte Plaza is a 201,000 square foot shopping center anchored by Shopko, a Macy's Home Store and Office Max. Other tenants include Sally's Beauty Supply, Help-U-Mail, New Balance/Team Sports, Blockbuster and Pizza Hut. The retail shop spaces ranges in size from 900 square feet to 10,550 square feet. 
